The separation of Money and State is a bold undertaking that requires intellectual sharpness and rigour. Having been in the Bitcoin ecosystem for a while now, we’ve always been amazed at Bitcoiners’ breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding about the world we live in, likely honed through years of combating cultural, political, and technical attacks on Bitcoin.


For those who are eager to start their own journey down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, we have curated a selection of bitcoin books that are widely recommended by the Bitcoin community.


21 Lessons by Gigi

A book that chronicles the author’s journey of discovering Bitcoin. Gigi has a way with words that steers us towards thinking about Bitcoin as something much more than a technology or a tool.


Bitcoin is Venice by Allen Farrington and Sacha Meyers

A beautifully articulated exploration of what ‘capital’ is , how Bitcoin can impact how we perceive it and a take down of the fiat monetary system and its excesses.



Check your Financial Privilege by Alex Gladstein

One of the foremost voices in making a case for Bitcoin as a tool for Human Rights, Alex explores how Bitcoin is hope for the Global South and addresses the ill effects on it caused by the current global financial system.


Grokking Bitcoin by Kalle Rosenbaum

A comprehensive guide to the inner workings of Bitcoin. This Bitcoin book delves into the technical aspects of Bitcoin, including cryptographic hash functions and digital signatures, addresses, wallets, transactions, etc.


Layered Money by Nik Bhatia

Layered Money by Nik Bhatia​

A monetary history of the world, from gold and silver to fiat and central banks, and how Bitcoin offers a sound alternative. Nik explains concepts such as monetary aggregates, treasury repo markets, and eurodollars in an approachable manner.


The Mandibles by Lionel Shriver

This fictional story is set in the 30’s and 40’s US when a debt crisis results in the collapse of the country’s economy and the rise of a supranational currency. The book chronicles the story of a family trying to survive during such a troubled time.


The Price of Tomorrow by Jeff Booth

The book explores the implications of technology progressing at an unprecedented rate and the impact that resulting deflation will have on our lives and livelihoods. Jeff argues that we are in for a reset.


The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous

This Bitcoin book provides an overview of the failings of humanity’s previous choices of money, and makes the case for Bitcoin as the ideal alternative for the future. Saifedean presents a thorough critique of modern fiat currencies in this book.


The Bullish Case for Bitcoin by Vijay Boyapati

First published as a long-form article, this book presents the theory of money, the anatomy of Bitcoin, and the reasons it is superior to the gold and fiat standards that came before it.


The Sovereign Individual by William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson

The authors explore the global shift from an industrial to an information-based society and the effects it will have on Governments and individuals.


When Money Dies by Adam Fergusson

The book focuses on the Weimar Republic in Germany post World War I, during the early 1920s. The book provides a look into the causes and effects of a hyper-inflationary period in an economy.


Programming Bitcoin by Jimmy Song

Hands-on technical guide to Bitcoin from one of the leading educators in the Bitcoin ecosystem that shows developers how to program a Bitcoin library from scratch.


Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos and David Harding

This Bitcoin book is a comprehensive technical guide to Bitcoin and also covers new developments on it such as Taproot, Tapscript, Schnorr signatures, and the Lightning Network.


Mastering the Lightning Network by Andreas Antonopoulos, Olaoluwa Osuntokun and Rene Pickhardt

This book is a comprehensive technical guide to the Lightning Network. It is suitable for technical readers with an understanding of the fundamentals of Bitcoin


The Bitcoin Handbook by Anil Patel

This book provides a collection of helpful frameworks, mental models, and heuristics for understanding Bitcoin.


It is packed with thought-provoking illustrations, making it a valuable resource.


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