How Do You Accept Bitcoin With BTCPay And Instantly Get Euros Into Your Bank Account?

If you are reading this blog now, it is safe to assume you already use the BTCPay server to accept Bitcoin payments.

Please read this blog to learn more about the BTCPay server and how it can help you accept Bitcoin.


In this blog I would like to cover about the Bringin plugin on the BTCPay server. It instantly converts part of your incoming Bitcoin payments to Euros deposited into your IBAN account, which is ready to be used for any payments.

A little bit of background about Bringin: Bringin is a Lithaunina Bitcoin company that is building tools, services, and applications to bridge the gap between traditional banking, Bitcoin, and lightning in a compliant and safe way that adheres to the core principles of Bitcoin in its approach.


With Bringin, you can get an IBAN account that can interact with any Bitcoin and lightning software like wallets, BTCPay server, LNBits, and Nostr clients, allowing you to quickly, easily and safely get on/out of Bitcoin with Euros.


Bringin plugin that instantly lets you exchange Bitcoin to get Euros into your bank account as soon as you receive them at the market rate.


Here are step-by-step guides on how to enable this feature:

Step 1: Install the plugin

Navigate to BTCPay Server > Settings > Plugin > Available Plugins > Bringin by Kukks


Or Manage plugins on the right > Available plugins > Bringin

Install and restart the instance using the prompt that appears.

Step 2: Enabling the plugin

You can click the Bringin tab on the left navigation bar under the plugins section to start configuring.

You will be asked to enter the api-key to get started.

You need a bringin account to get the api-key. You can click on the link provided below to get started.

You can also get a Bringin account by visiting

If you wish to talk to us and need any assistance, please email us at [email protected]. You can also fill out this form, and we will contact you to learn more about your business. 

Once you have completed the onboarding or if you already have a Bringin account, you will be able to see and manage your IBAN account provided by Bringin and transactions on the dashboard:

You can get the API key for BTCPay by going to the integration tab on the left. From there, you can copy the API key and paste it on the BTCPay dashboard and in the plugin section.

Once done, you have the Bringin plugin enabled

Step 3: Configuring the Plugin

Once you have the plugin enabled, you should be able to see more configuration options.

Percentage: You can set the exact percentage of the incoming BTC to be converted to Euro.

Threshold: You can set the threshold. The offramp order will be executed only once the total settled amount reaches this threshold. BTC will be converted to Euro and available on Bringin’s Dashboard.

Once configured, click on save.

Step 4: Make sure to configure payout processors

For an automatic settlement to Euro, you need to configure the lightning payout processor. This configuration is under settings > Payout Processor > Lightning Payout Processor.

Click on Save once done.

That’s it. After this, all the incoming lighting (on-chain coming soon) should be automatically converted to Euro and will be available on the Bringin IBAN account. You can use virtual debit cards to spend it online or send it to your bank using the SEPA instant transfer.

If you need any help in getting BTCPay + Bringin set-up, please fill this form:

Here is a demo video of accepting payments via the BTCpay checkout link and getting Euros into the bank account.

Discover how Bringin can help you seamlessly sell and spend Bitcoin Instantly from any wallet. Start making your Bitcoin transactions easier, quicker, and more cost-effective with Bringin


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