Embracing Bitcoin Standard: Safeguarding Wealth In Today’s Economy


The world had been living on a Gold Standard for centuries, not because a government forced it, but because society naturally tends towards the hardest most saleable good to be the currency


Early adopters of gold benefitted from an increase in purchasing power and the ability to preserve their wealth.


The ones that were resistant to make the transition and saved their wealth in weaker assets simply watched their wealth erode against a harder asset


Something similar but more drastic happened in the 16th century in West Africa, where glass beads were used as money to enable trade and exchanges.


Since they were a rare resource on the island, they were seen as a good store of value and were also easily saleable.


This artificial scarcity was disrupted when European explorers and traders started importing these beads from abroad in large quantities, where they were plentiful and had very little value.


The glass beads lost their property of hardness, and everyone who held on to them lost purchasing power. The early adopters of the new hardest most saleable good, gold, benefited immensely when everyone else eventually had to use gold coins to execute trades.

The Rise of Bitcoin:

Fast forward to today, and we are at the brink of another monetary revolution with Bitcoin emerging as the hardest most saleable asset, where central banks all over the world are printing currency recklessly into worthlessness.


Today, Bitcoin is scarcer than gold, and people living on the fiat standard have 2 choices:
Store their wealth in the hardest money there is, or watch their wealth erode via monetary debasement. Just as gold was the safe haven centuries ago, Bitcoin is the lifeboat today.


While Bitcoin is inherently a hard asset, its saleability comes from adoption. People who store their wealth in Bitcoin face an issue with its saleability, because it is not readily accepted as a mode of payment. It stops most believers from adopting the bitcoin standard.

Bringin: Simplifying Bitcoin Transactions

At Bringin we aim to bridge this gap by enabling Bitcoin holders to transact seamlessly in everyday life, regardless of merchant acceptance.


By simplifying Bitcoin transactions and promoting its spendability, Bringin facilitates the transition towards a Bitcoin standard, empowering individuals to confidently store and utilize their wealth in the hardest money available today.

Discover how Bringin can help you seamlessly sell and spend Bitcoin Instantly from any wallet. Start making your Bitcoin transactions easier, quicker, and more cost-effective with Bringin


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