What are BIP39 Seed Words?

BIP39 seed words on a metal plate
Photo credit: Jameson Lopp


In the world of Bitcoin, security and self-custody is of paramount importance. One crucial aspect of securing and taking custody of your Bitcoin wallet is the use of BIP39 seed words. In this beginner-friendly guide, we’ll demystify what they are, how they work, and why they are essential for protecting your Bitcoin stack.

Understanding BIP39 Seed Words

Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 39 (BIP39) introduced a standardised method for generating and storing wallet recovery phrases. These recovery phrases, also known as seed words or mnemonic phrases, consist of a series of 12 or 24 words that act as a backup for your Bitcoin wallet.

What are BIP39 Seed Words?

BIP39 seed words are randomly generated words that form an integral part of the process to recover or restore your Bitcoin wallet. These words are carefully chosen from a predetermined list of 2048 words, ensuring that they are easily recognisable and not prone to confusion. 


At the time of writing, there are seed words available in the following languages: English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), French, Italian, Czech, Portuguese.

How Do BIP39 Seed Words Work?

When you create a new Bitcoin wallet, a unique set of BIP39 seed words is generated. These words serve as a human-readable representation from which the private key of your wallet is derived.


By writing down and safely storing your BIP39 seed words, you can restore your wallet on any compatible software or hardware wallet if your device is lost, damaged, or stolen. It acts as a fail-safe mechanism to regain access to your funds.

Importance of BIP39 Seed Words for Bitcoin Wallet Security

BIP39 seed words significantly enhance the security of your Bitcoin wallet in several ways:


1. Easy Backup and Restoration: Unlike traditional backups that involve copying files, BIP39 seed words provide a simple and user-friendly method to back up and restore your wallet. By memorising or writing down these words, you can recreate your wallet effortlessly.


2. Protection Against Device Failures: By storing your BIP39 seed words separately from your wallet device, you safeguard your Bitcoin against device failures, such as hardware malfunctions or loss. With the seed words, you can restore your wallet on a new device and access your funds again.


3. Security from External Threats: Since BIP39 seed words are generated offline and never transmitted over the internet, they offer protection against online threats. This offline generation ensures that your private keys remain secure and isolated from potential attacks.


Best Practices for Handling BIP39 Seed Words

To maximise the security of your Bitcoin wallet, follow these best practices when dealing with BIP39 seed words:


1. Write It Down: Write your BIP39 seed words on a physical medium, such as a paper or a metal plate. Avoid storing them digitally to minimise the risk of theft or unauthorised access.


2. Store It Safely: Keep your seed words in a secure and undisclosed location, preferably in a fireproof and waterproof container. Consider duplicating the backup and storing it in separate physical locations for added protection.


3. Don’t Share It: Never share your BIP39 seed words with anyone. Treat them as your private keys since anyone who gains access to your seed words can access your funds.


BIP39 seed words play a vital role in the security of your Bitcoin wallet. By understanding their purpose and following best practices, you can ensure the safety of your Bitcoin stack. Remember to generate and store your BIP39 seed words securely, as they are the key to recovering your Bitcoin wallet in case of emergencies. By implementing these measures, you take a significant step towards protecting your financial sovereignty.

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